BFL - Week Eight Completed

And there we are - completed week 8. Four weeks to go. I have not given my lower body workouts enough attention in the second month and I certainly can do the cardio sessions more effectively. This last month will be the final stretch in a 3 month long journey and I feel committed to give it all I got. It's the "all-or-nuthin" approach now. I will also be training on my own this month, without the help of a personal trainer and I will have to see how that will go. Just 4 more weeks. Can't wait to compare my before and after photos as I truly believe that I have gained strength and size, as well as lost a lot of fat. I will also try and concentrate harder on abs this month. And then, there's tanning and de-hairing lined up for the last month as well. Wish me luck - now is the time to pick the fruits of the time and effort trees that I have planted



BFL - week 7 results

Week 7 was pick-it-up-again week for me. Had a great week. Was able to stick to the eating plan, have increased in size and strength and I am quite happy that I am progressing nicely with my challenge. I was a bit dissapoinred though as my bodyfat % only dropped with 1 point in the last 3 weeks. Will take some time to undo the damage of my "lost week", but let's see how it goes from here. This week is a Lower Body week mostly and I am truly enjoying the new lower body routine. Must try and get some scans of my "before" pictures so that I can put them up.



BFL - week 7 - Friday

So far so good. I am keeping to the eating plan and keeping to my training. I only missed my cardio training on Tuesday due to long hours at work. I am really starting to see the fruit of my efforst now. I look better and I feel better. I expected more to happen yes, but I did have a flop of a week 6 and I am really just over halfway now. They say the real results start showing in the last month.

My legs and abs are really stiff and sore today - and this is great - this means I am training with enough intensity.



BFL week 7 - here we come !

OK, So week 7 has arrived. I am motivated, still happy with my results thus far and geared to give this week all I have. Last week, as you might have read, was a disaster. Lets hope this week is better.

Focus - gotta focus and give it my best. I will finish this, even if it kills me!


week 6 - failed miserably

I have failed miserably in week six of my BodyForLife Challenge. Due to illness, tooth-ache and my wedding anniversary I have only trained twice in week six and only followed the correct diet for 2 of the 6 days. I will have to re-focus and re-commit from week 7 onwards.

Previous weeks / days / comments available here: (I am no longer using that service as it was unreliable)


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last updated: 5/19/04, 4:58 AM
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