Tuesday, 17. September 2002

BFL - the "you are here" summary and introspection

I just started my last month of BFL yesterday. Actually had to do Cardio instead of UBW as my trainer couldn't make it and I don't know which excersizes I am gonna do in my last month. So tonight it will be UBW.

Ok - I realized by this point that I will not look like Arnold Shwazzenegger at the end of my challenge. Thus I have re-aligned my goals as surely, I am not going to suddenly double in size in the last month, am I?


  1. Loose fat - +- 10kg of it
  2. Increase muscle definition, build some lean muscle
  3. Increase fitness level
  4. Correct posture

So how have I done after 8 weeks?

  1. BF% down from 26% to 18% thus lost 9kg of fat, that's 18 tubs of butter baby !
  2. Muscle definition increased, biceps, triceps, fore-arms and chest size increased slightly (not as much as I hoped), legs lost all fat but haven't increased in size. Most improvement visible in Biceps, then triceps. Starting to have that v-shaped upper body. Nutshell: I was hoping for more
  3. Fitness level definately increased
  4. Posture corrected.

Plan for last month:

  1. Increase intensity for cardio - gotta burn more fat
  2. Increase intensity for Abs - I want that six-pack
  3. Continue with weight Training, hoping for more definition, not expecting much more growth.

Do you guys think i am on the right track here? Are people who didn't change into Rambo over 12 weeks also in the running for prizes, as I can't see how I would change into Rambo over the next 4 weeks.

In conclusion: Happy with my results thus far, although I am a bit dissapointed with the amount of muscle I picked up. Looking forward, believing that this last 4 weeks will make a difference.



Monday, 16. September 2002

News of the weird - WSSD - World Summit on Sustainable Development

Courtesy of

The 60,000 delegates (from 182 countries) to the recent World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, luxuriated not only in four- and five-star accommodations but an elegant food and drink layout, including tons of lobster, oysters, filet mignon, salmon, caviar, pate de foie gras, champagne, fine wines and mineral water. (An estimated 60 African children a day die from contaminated water.) The conference center (which cleared out hundreds of nearby trees to accommodate delegates' limousines) is only a few miles from the squalid neighborhood of Alexandra, one of Africa's poorest. (Poverty in Africa is up 35 percent since the last such summit, in 1992.) [Daily Telegraph (London), 8-31-02]

(Thanks Chuck Sheppard)


BFL - Week Eight Completed

And there we are - completed week 8. Four weeks to go. I have not given my lower body workouts enough attention in the second month and I certainly can do the cardio sessions more effectively. This last month will be the final stretch in a 3 month long journey and I feel committed to give it all I got. It's the "all-or-nuthin" approach now. I will also be training on my own this month, without the help of a personal trainer and I will have to see how that will go. Just 4 more weeks. Can't wait to compare my before and after photos as I truly believe that I have gained strength and size, as well as lost a lot of fat. I will also try and concentrate harder on abs this month. And then, there's tanning and de-hairing lined up for the last month as well. Wish me luck - now is the time to pick the fruits of the time and effort trees that I have planted



Thursday, 12. September 2002

Thursday joke . . .

A man rushes home, bursting through the front door of his house yelling to his wife: "Pack your bags honey, I just won the lottery! All 10 million dollars of it....Woooohooo"

"That's great sweetie" she replies, "Do I pack for the beach or the mountains?"

"Who cares", he replies, " Just f*&&*^ off ".

(Bwa ha ha ha ha ha)


Wednesday, 11. September 2002

America Remembers - and we all are Reminded to Remember

In Memory of Sept 11, 2001

9/11, 911 - "911. . . What is your emergency?"


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