The VWSA / Strijdom Park VW Saga almost concluded.

Apologies for not following up sooner. I've been unavailable so to speak.

I have subsequently taken my car to VW Strijdom Park for it's service. I have met with the dealer principle who has put my mind at ease that they do want to provide me with the best of service. I decided to give them a change and was for the most part happy with the service I received. Only the windnoise problem still has to be resolved - not by lack of trying from VW Strijdom Park. Two days into trying to sort the windnoise problem out, I asked for the car back as I desperately needed it. (They did supply me with a loan car, but I needed mine and felt that they could look at the windnoise problem again at my next service).

Thanks for making me feel valued again and addressing the issues I had. See you in +-7500kms when I hope you can sort the windnoise out. (3rd time lucky hey?)



Certification successfully completed

I have successfullt completed my "Certified Lotus Professional : R5 Application development" certification.


Glad that one is off my shoulders. Will be looking to do another exam for Principal CLP towards the end of the year.

Until later, Keep well



The hippy in me

Well . . . with me being into alternative lifestyles and all I decided that from this day forth I will be known as Brother Mike, The Hippy.

No .. just kidding - we recently had a 60's themed year-end function at work so here are some pics of me, Brother Mike, The Hippy. I won the prize for best dressed male for this outfit, but don't bargain on seeing me like this in public again soon.

Click on the images to view them

The hippy in me Dang look at that hippybrother What is a hippy without some friends


Question: What is a bastard exactly?

Quite often we ask ourselves hard to answer questions, like, “What is a bastard?”

And we wax philosophic with metaphysical postulations, incomplete aphorisms, and inconsistent sophisms that make one more and more sure that the only true thing is that a picture is worth a thousand words.

In this photo, the guy on the right is a member of a bomb squad in the middle of a deactivation.

The guy behind him, well, he's the bastard.

The guy on the left is the BASTARD!

News of the weird - WSSD - World Summit on Sustainable Development

Courtesy of

The 60,000 delegates (from 182 countries) to the recent World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, luxuriated not only in four- and five-star accommodations but an elegant food and drink layout, including tons of lobster, oysters, filet mignon, salmon, caviar, pate de foie gras, champagne, fine wines and mineral water. (An estimated 60 African children a day die from contaminated water.) The conference center (which cleared out hundreds of nearby trees to accommodate delegates' limousines) is only a few miles from the squalid neighborhood of Alexandra, one of Africa's poorest. (Poverty in Africa is up 35 percent since the last such summit, in 1992.) [Daily Telegraph (London), 8-31-02]

(Thanks Chuck Sheppard)


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